I'm pretty desk-bound, which is very frustrating. 我基本上一直需要伏案工作,这真让人沮丧。
"Crime of abuse of authority" was isolated from "Crime of neglect of duty" when Criminal law being revised in1997. 滥用职权罪是1997年刑法修订时从玩忽职守罪中分离出来的罪名。
The official media announced that he had failed to overcome errors such as abuse of authority and ostentation. 官方媒体宣称这是因为他没能改掉滥用职权和浮夸的错误。
Because of their non-state personnel status, the subjects do not compose the crime of abuse of authority or the crime of bribery at the same time. 该罪主体由于不具有国家工作人员身份,不存在与滥用职权罪或受贿罪发生主体竞合的问题。
Abuse of authority, unauthorized handling and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident. 滥用职权、擅自处理和袒护、包庇事故责任人的。
Definition on abuse of authority of sanitary administration and judicial review 卫生行政滥用职权的界定及其司法审查
Without sufficient evidence, charges over the abuse of authority for personal gain will hardly lead to conviction. 假如没有足够证据,对以权谋私的起诉就难以定罪。
To build a disciplined society by ensuring good governance through state machinery free from abuse of authority. 透过一个严禁滥用职权的国家机制,确保有效管治,从而建立一个纪律严明的社会。
In this thesis, I inquired into some disputing questions about constitution of crime of abuse of authority. I delimitated the constitutions of the crime of subject subjectivity and object. 文章对滥用职权罪犯罪构成中的一些争议问题进行了探讨,对该罪的主体、主观和客观方面等构成要件进行了界定。
When extra licenses are needed to start a business, when extra signatures are required to import goods, that creates opportunities for abuse of authority and for corruption. 当开办一个企业需要额外的许可证时,当进口物资需要额外的签字时,就造成了滥用权力和腐败的机会。
The culpability form of abuse of authority has been the dispute focus in the circle of criminal law. 滥用职权罪的罪过形式一直是刑法理论界争论的焦点,但到目前为止尚没有一种学说取得通说地位。
In the creditor's rights law, anticipated the power receives the abuse of authority law and not when profits the law protection. 在债权法上,期待权受到侵权行为法和不当得利法的保护。
Chapter Three is about the constitution and application of punishment of the crime of abuse of authority. 从立法体系、资格刑、构成要件等三个方面指出;第三章巨额财产来源不明罪的认定和刑罚适用。
It indicates the abuse of authority in executing judgment. 本罪的客观方面表现为在执行判决、裁定活动中滥用职权。
Administrative compensation scope including three aspects contents: One, creates the abuse of authority the main body scope, namely the country the harm which main bodies behavior does create to undertakes the compensation responsibility; 行政赔偿范围包括三个方面内容:一是造成侵权行为的主体范围,即国家对哪些主体的行为所造成的损害承担赔偿责任;
Because the medical service abuse of authority causes the damage compensate question, the judicial interpretation has adopted by whether constitutes the incident of malpractice to be suitable the different legal laws and regulations for the basis the system, causes loudly disputed. 因医疗侵权行为引起的损害赔偿问题,司法解释采取了以是否构成医疗事故为依据适用不同法律法规的制度,引起较大争议。
Two, creates the harm the abuse of authority scope, namely the country the harm which behaviors does create to undertakes the compensation responsibility; 二是造成损害的侵权行为的范围,即国家对哪些行为造成的损害承担赔偿责任;
Therefore, a series of surveillance mechanism should be set up to prevent the trustee's abuse of authority and protect the company's benefit. 为了防止董事滥权,保护公司利益,需要构建事前、事中和事后抑制机制,对董事职权的行使进行有效监督和规范。
Research on Fault Form of Crimes of Abuse of Authority 滥用职权罪罪过形式研究
Legislates in the related abuse of authority, turns over to aspect and so on responsibility principle, personality power protection to exist the loophole and the insufficiency, but is connected in the fundamental research also exists harms. 立法上在有关侵权行为、归责原则、人格权保护等方面存在漏洞和不足,而相关的理论研究上也还存在着误区。
This paper aims to discuss five issues relevant to the crime of abuse of authority. 着重探讨了滥用职权罪的五个相关问题。
The third chapter our country trade-secret protection present situation, from the law of contract, the abuse of authority law, counter-not improper Competition Law, the criminal law and so on four aspects has analyzed our country trade-secret protection present situation. 第三章我国商业秘密法律保护现状分析,从合同法、侵权行为法、反不正当竞争法、刑法等四个方面分析了我国商业秘密的法律保护现状。
1st, the suggestion brings into line with the notarization institution and its staff and villager committee the abuse of authority the main body scope; 建议将公证机关及其工作人员和村委会纳入侵权主体的范围;
Our country's Copyright Law at present only listed the abuse of authority without providing the exact standard for the judicial and the executive organization. 我国《著作权法》目前只是对侵权行为进行了列举,没有为司法机关和执法机关提供侵权认定的明确标准。
On Issues Concerning the Crime of Abuse of Authority 关于滥用职权罪的若干问题
Analyzed the building to throw the thrower abuse of authority the constitution important document, to contradict the matter, the compensation responsibility nature and the scope and several kind of special buildings throws the thrower right infringement responsibility undertaking. 分析了建筑物抛掷物侵权行为的构成要件、抗辩事由、损害责任的性质和范围以及针对几类特殊建筑物抛掷物损害责任的承担。
This part through in the foundation which combs to the full text synthesis, proposed "after right infringement responsibility law" appears, the building throws the thrower abuse of authority the suitable mentality. 本部分通过对全文综合梳理的基础上,提出了《侵权责任法》出台后建筑物抛掷物侵权行为的适用思路。
Must prevent the abuse of authority, must by the authority restraint authority. 要防止滥用权力,就必须以权力约束权力。
This chapter elaborated the network abuse of authority concept, the characteristic and turns over to the responsibility principle. 第一章论述了网络侵权行为的概念、特征及其归责原则。
Once more, the law value theory, the abuse of authority, theory as well as the consumer rights and interests protection theory all request the establishment flaw product recalls system. 再次,法的价值理论、侵权行为理论以及消费者权益保护理论都要求建立缺陷产品召回制度。